Friday, February 11, 2005

Maal Hijrah

Happy Maal Hijrah to all! I hope its not to late to wish all my dear friends Happy New Year. Well, for me Hjrah is the new begining for me to start all over again whatever aims or goals that I had not been achieve so far. Well it pretty sad for not getting what you want but I think its normal for everyone. You won't always get what you want. Unless when I was a little boy, I can just scream out of loud asking for whatever toys or games that I want. Sometimes my parents won't buy my tactics if they think what I want is not reasoanable or right for me. But somehow I almost get it all.....heeheh what a terrible kid I was.

Well, as a new start, I will plan ahead what I'm suppose to do to realise my dream. What I wanted so badly is to further my study abroad. I had been trying since last year but its not on my side yet. But I guess, there's always blessing in disguise. Maybe I had more time to prepare myself for a challanging course or whatso call "Permanent head Damage".

I did ask one of my friends if he got any new resolution. He told me that he never had one.... emm is it possible?????. I don't know, what he meant by that but what I can say he might be just take life as it is. If there is any good opportunity, he just grab it. No need to set any goal or target...Yea..when I think about it, thats not a bad idea at all. Sometimes by setting target, its not a question it give you momentum or driving force to work on your target, but the beauty for not having one is that you won't get hurt. I mean, for sure you will feel dissapointed if you did't achieve your target. If you don't set any, you won't feel that bad.

Well, I merely up to you and you just know who you are. So, its not an issue for not having any new resolution or its not a must to have one.

Happy Maal Hijrah!!!!

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