According to some people, to cultivate this ulat mulong, the sago palm will be fell and purposely left to rot. This rotten palm wills soon invaded by the ulat mulong weighted up to 8 gram per ulat mulong.
Ulat mulong believe to contain 3-7 % of protein, 10-30% fat and the rest is water. In Sarawak, Sibu is the heaven for this delicacy. I still remember, my student just came back from Mukah, Sibu brought the smoked ulat mulong to be shared with friend in my class. She offered me, but I decide not to have it. In Islam, they said this ulat is halal because it is from the palm. It just like worm in fruits which is allowed to be eaten.
buat masak lemak cili padi...sodaaaaaaaaaaap!
try aaa V...kakakkak
sy teringin sgt nak rase ulat mulong tp blum ada rezeki lagi nak sarawak kata mkn ulat mulong ni mcm keropok..ade jugak yang makan mentah2...btul ke??
Ulat mulong is Haram.. ask ur ustaz.. any ulat are not meant to be eaten.
If I'm not mistaken, worms in fruits are allowed to be eaten only if they're accidentally ingested and are difficult to be taken out from the fruits. However, if the worms have been taken out from the fruits, they're haram to be eaten. Thus, it would seem that, at least in Mazhab Shafi'i, worms and other creepy crawlies are haram as food.
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