A few months ago, Safuan, a friend of mine sends me herbal medicine from Cairo. He also send fresh apricot or known as Al- Barquq in Arabic through his friend whom returned to Sarawak. Actually I don’t even know how the fresh apricot looks like because what I am familiar with is dried apricot. The scientific name of Apricot is Prunus armeniaca under the family name of Rosaceae.
This fruit is believed have originated in China, where it has been cultivated for over 4,000 years. It was introduced in Europe during the time of Alexander the Great. In Middle East, apricots were very popular for their taste as well as for their invigorating perfume.
The best thing about this fruit, it is classified as food of heal. There are lots of medicinal values can be found from this fruit. It is beneficial in the treatment of Constipation due to high of cellulose and pectin contents. Besides that it helps people suffer from anemia in account of high content of iron in this fruit. It is also good cooling drink when the juice mixed with honey.
aku pernah mkn fresh apricot.. sedap jugak laaa. kalau mkn byk2 lelangit aku akan luka.. Mcm adik beradik dengan nectarine jugak.. semua buah-buahan adalah yummy... yeah yeahhh..
but fresh cherry is the bestt..
i love strawberry...paling suka..pas tu tembikai@semangka
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