I wrote about cancer in the previous posting. And today, after a visit to my sis and play with baby Farhan, we all (my parents and me) went to shop at the nearby supermarket. I saw a collection of postcards for free. So, I took all different kind of postcard. But one special postcard reminds me of my friend as I mentioned in my previous posting.
1st of all, i thought u're 19!.. my eyes saying that.. sori.
k la, there's something 2 share actually.. i undrstnd how ur feeling rite now. wen i was 18, one of my best fren had bn diagnosed having bone cancer. on dat moment, d 1st thing came 2 my mind, 'ya, allah.. sori baby.. ' b'coz few months b4, she told me that her hand bengkak & day by day getting bigger.. but wat i said just.. ' xde papelaa, it's okla, dont worry.. tangan kau baru nk membesar tu..' n i still rembr once, she asked me to accompany her to see doctor but wat i said just, 'no need la babe,xde pe tu.. nnti kitorg tolon urut ye..' dat time we thought dat it just bengkak biasa je without knowning dats d 1st sign of cancer!
i btul2 m'nyesal ms tu.. if i could help earlier...hmm.. 2 yrs in hospital, she fight back n now she just finished her 1st degree, waiting for convocation. hmm,alhmdulillah.. i proud of her!
there's nothing much we can do crvbola.., we're just nobody.. thru d critical yr, we never stop praying n hoping.. dat's d best. insyaallah, as a muslim, i pray 4 ur fren too.
hi arianna, tq for sharing. Actualy yesterday im so happy ..i can chat with him even only for shortwhile...keep praying.
Emm..am i look that young...thanks ..i take it as compliment
hi again..
hmm, dat's good! i'm hepi 4 u 2. do u mind send my regards to him..
btw, dat's y i'm soooo jeolous with u guys, never look old...
InsyaAllah, i will send ur regard. By the way, may i know who is this girl name arianna...hehehe
Guys never look old coz their life begin at 40..hehehe
arianna adrizal. i'm new here..br beberapa hari round2 kat blog. my fren yg introduce 'blog' coz i'm a bit buta IT jugak la hihi..
are u sure men's life begin at 40??. hmm, i'm just wondering.. so it's better to marry a man who is 40 rather than younger man lah!! hahahahah.. i'm just kidding. don't take it seriously tau.. k, nice chat with u.
hi there,
a very nice blog...
sorry to hear about ur friend..(arianna's friend too)..
well apa pon keadaan kwn2 u all, i would still say that ur friend's journey masih belom berakhir...berjuangla sampai last breath..
as for me..my beloved cousin bro dah dijemput illahi..hampir 2 tahun now...but whene ever i think back i still cant stop blaming myself sebab x give the best for him masa dia masih ada...
his story is terrible...
mayb 1 day i'll tell the story kat my blog..but at this moment..i masih belom mampu nak bercerita...
i will always pray for ur friend to get better =)
take care...
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