Our life is just like rollercoaster and some people might see it differently. But what I’m trying to say is that everyone will or had gone through their share of hardship. It’s normal that we always hope that our path will be smooth, a straight road leading to success and happiness. But in reality, we must agree that along this road the obstacle will always pop up and their always a road block. Whenever I face unhappy moment or unpleasant incident or unexpected difficulty and etc, it always lead to sadness and stress. Sometimes it’s too difficult to control the emotion. But I’m very glad to have people behind me whom continuously support me and cheer me up and forget all the sadness. As a believer, God is always there to hold on.
In relation to sad feeling, it reminds me of an article about the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It is a type of winter depression where some people can not function normally and depends on medication. This is caused by biochemical imbalance due to shortening of daylight hours and the lack of sunlight in winter. For the mild case it will make you feel discomfort and is known as winter blues. I did agree the shortening of daylight hours and the lack of sunlight during the winter will always make you feel gloomy, sad and lost sometimes. Thats why people always travel during the winter for holiday I guess.
Here is the lyric of my favorite song; So Why So Sad
by Manic Street Preacher
So why so sad
You live and you loveSo why so sad
Dependent on aboveSearching for the dead sea scrolls
So why, so why so sad
My smile as real as a hyenas
My smile as real as a hyenas
Burns an expressway to my skull
Burns an expressway to my skull
But Ill stick myself together again
Spirit so low that I no longer pretend
So why so sad
You live and you love
So why so sad
Dependent on above
Searching for the dead sea scrolls
So why, so why so sad
So why so sad
You live and you love
So why so sad
Dependent on above
Searching for the dead sea scrolls
So why, so why so sad
So why, so why so sad
So why, so why so sad
So why, so why so sad
kitak lect uitm ka?
good try !~
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