Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Thanks to my family (parents, sisters n bro) and also my friends for your best wishes. I know some of you really remember my birthday with heart. In fact I received sms 12 am on the dot! And also wishes from friends whom I never remember their birthdays. I feel bad actually for being ignorant, forgetful about my friends’ birthdays.

This is a few sms that I received…..

#Hepi besday! Bila nak kawin?

#A’kum. ..selamat hari lahir ke 29. Semoga dpanjangkn umur dlm iman n taqwa…mg cpt jodoh…hehe.murah rezki…dpt buat phd dgn segera…moga brjaya dunia n akhirat. J

#Hi happy 29th birthday

#Happy Bday to u!

#A’kum, happy birthday.semoga pjg umur dimurahkan rezeki, dipermudahkan segala urusan dunia akhirat, hidup sentiasa diberkati Allah s.w.t. Enjoy ur day..

Thanks to all and may ALLAH bless all of us..ameen!

1 comment:

crvbola said...

Thanks paie