Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Hylocereus undatus

I went to Semenggok Agriculture Research Centre few weeks ago. I managed to take some photo on Dragon fruit plants. The scientific name of Dragon fruit is Hylocereus undatus. This tropical fruit is also known as strawberry pear or pitaya/pitahaya. When I first see this plant, I guess it is a cactus. But when I read about it, it is actually a species of cactus. No wonder they look like sisters! The dragon fruits don’t have a sweet smell like other fruits. Its taste is very simple, a bit like the Kiwi fruit. Both dragon fruit and kiwi contains many seeds, which look like black sesame seeds. I still remember, about two years ago, during my sister wedding ceremony, she gave a bucket of fruits with one big dragon fruit to her fiancĂ© as wedding gift (hantaran).

Semenggok Agriculture Research Centre


Here is the legend about dragon fruit;
The sensation surrounding this fabulous fruit can be attributed to a legend created by ingenious Asian marketers. According to the legend the fruit was created thousands of years ago by fire breathing dragons. During a battle when the dragon would breathe fire the last thing to come out would be the fruit. After the dragon is slain the fruit is collected and presented to the Emperor as a coveted treasure and indication of victory. The soldiers would then butcher the dragon and eat the flesh. It was believed that those who feasted on the flesh would be endowed with the strength and ferocity of the dragon and that they too would be coveted by the Emperor.
Quoted from (http://www.tropicalfruitnursery.com/dragon/index.htm)


Anonymous said...

bes aa angah...buah dragon fruit nih mmg sedap...first time makan masa roomate kenalkan. she just came back from myanmar for elective. she mentioned to me yg buah ni byk sgt di dapati kat sana. murah2 jer. bila rasa sedap jer. sblm tuh pernah nampak sekali kat pasar..tp sbb tak tau kan tengok buah tu pun pelik...tak berani nak makan. now...peminat nombor satu la. hehehe.

crvbola said...

hehe...angah tak suka aa..cam buah kiwi gak....tapi buah ni for sure bagus for kesihatan kan....