Friday, February 18, 2005


Yesterday was really a stressful day for me. Actually I'm busy with the paper that I’m supposed to prepare by Monday next week. And what make it worst, today I had meeting with my boss regarding that paper. So, last night, I had to crack my head tried very hard to come out with the main points and issues. Since I'm in the state of stress, my brain didn't work out. So, I just jotted down whatever I can and went to bed. This morning, I just informed my boss about it. He said I had unnecessary stress, because actually the information is available already, we just need to sit down and discuss. Argggghhh…but…Alhamdulilah.....what a relief!!!!. The meeting just takes about two hours. Then my boss will get it ready on Monday. This is what people said, two head better than one… hehehhe.

Well, as a muslim, I always belief the best way to overcome stress is by practicing Islamic way of life. In relation to the problems we face in life and the stresses we have to overcome, Allah has said “You will face calamities (distress/grief) as trial and not as punishment or torment. These trials aim at showing mankind as to who is the true believer, dedicated to the will of Allah”.

I still remember, when I was in the university, I always read Surah Al-Insyirah to reduce my stress during the exam fever. I always read the surah before I enter the exam hall and even before I start answer the exam question. Its really help!

[Inshirah 94:5] So indeed with hardship is ease.
[Inshirah 94:6] Indeed with hardship is ease.

1 comment:

dr maya said...

keep remember this ayaah.."allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan mengikut kemampuannya" more what ur boss said...unnecessary stress..kadang2 manusia lebih suka memikirkan perkara2 yang bukan dalam pengetahuannya...tanpa kita sedari pertolongan allah itu sentiasa bersama kita...:)HE KNOWS BEST....